Public offer of charitable assistance

The public offer of charitable assistance is addressed to an unspecified number of individuals (the donor) and is a public offer of the Charitable Organization «Charitable Foundation «Nasha Sprava Ukraina», represented by the Chairman of the Foundation Artem Petrov, acting on the basis of the Statute, under the specified terms and conditions:

  1. Public Offer means an offer of the Charitable Foundation “Nasha Sprava Ukraina” posted on the website to provide charitable assistance aimed at an unspecified number of individuals. Acceptance – acceptance of the Public Offer in full by transferring money using the payment forms and funds posted on the website of the Charitable Foundation «Nasha Sprava Ukraina» by transferring funds to the current accounts of the Charitable Foundation «Nasha Sprava Ukraina» through banking institutions. The Public Offer shall be considered accepted from the date of crediting the funds to the current account of the Charitable Foundation «Nasha Sprava Ukraina». Charitable donation means a free-of-charge transfer by the Donor of funds to the responsibility of the Charitable Foundation «Nasha Sprava Ukraina» for the purpose of further use and achievement of the goals of this Foundation, as defined by its Statute, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations», this Agreement and the Statute. Donor is a legally capable individual who voluntarily provides charitable assistance and has accepted the Public Offer.
  1. Subject of the Agreement. The subject of this Agreement is the voluntary transfer by the Donor to the ownership of the Charitable Foundation «Nasha Sprava Ukraina» by means of charitable assistance to ensure the statutory activities of the Charitable Foundation «Nasha Sprava Ukraina» in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations». The Donor personally determines the amount of charitable assistance without aiming to make a profit or other benefits for the parties.
  1. Acceptance of the Public Offer for the Donor means acceptance of the terms of this Offer, its objectives and the purpose of public fundraising, confirmation of the right of the Charitable Foundation «Nasha Sprava Ukraina» to use part of the charitable assistance for the administrative expenses of this Foundation in the amount provided for by the Law of Ukraine «On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations». If you wish to get acquainted with the reports, please send a request to The Parties agree that from the moment of acceptance of the Offer, this Agreement shall be considered concluded in writing in accordance with the articles of the Civil Code of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine «On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations», and failure to conclude this Agreement in the form of a separate document shall not invalidate this Agreement.
  1. Rights and Obligations of the Charitable Foundation ‘Our Business Ukraine’ The Charitable Foundation «Nasha Sprava Ukraina» has the right to: – receive Charitable Donation and use it in accordance with the subject matter and terms of this Agreement, its Statute; – use part of the Charitable Donation for the administrative expenses of the Foundation in the amount not exceeding the amount provided for by the Law of Ukraine «On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations». The Foundation is obliged to: – upon request, report electronically on the use of charitable assistance by posting it on the website – use donations only to achieve the goals set out in its Statute.
  1. The rights of the Donor The Donor has the right to control the use of the charitable donation by this Foundation for the intended purpose. 
  1. Place of Public Fundraising Public fundraising for the Charitable Donation shall be carried out in any country of the world. The direct activities of this Foundation in relation to their goals, as provided for in the Statute of the Charitable Foundation «Nasha Sprava Ukraina», are carried out on the territory of Ukraine. 
  1. Fundraising Period The public fundraising period lasts until the liquidation of the Charitable Foundation «Nasha Sprava Ukraina», which will be posted on the website 
  1. Procedure for using the Charitable Assistance In accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations», its statutory activities and programmes. 
  1. Responsibility of the Foundation This Foundation shall be responsible for violation of the terms of this Agreement in accordance with the laws of Ukraine. 
  1. Procedure for General Access to Information of the Charitable Organization is available at
  1. The order of the general access to the Donors data. By accepting the Public Offer, the Donor confirms that he/she agrees to the collection, processing and use of his/her personal data in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.