Sociological research

The project will help to assess, systematize and assist vulnerable populations in accessing humanitarian needs

Detailed description of the project ⇓

Напрямки діяльності БО «БФ «Наша справа Україна»:

  • Disc допомога особам, які опинились в скрутній життєвій ситуації;
  • Disc задоволення гуманітарних потреб населення;
  • Disc співробітництво з міжнародними БО в сфері надання допомоги.
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  • WFP logo


More than 14.6 million people living in Ukraine are in need of humanitarian assistance. The intensity of these needs varies across the country, but areas close to the frontline have the most acute needs and the highest number of people in need of humanitarian assistance. In all areas along the frontline, people face emergency or catastrophic conditions in all sectors.

The Government has not developed a unified policy on the categories of people entitled to receive assistance, and the needs of these people are not systematised and not fully met. The absence of such a policy results in a lack of reliable information on persons in need of assistance and an imbalance in the distribution of humanitarian and charitable aid. This significantly complicates and delays the distribution of humanitarian aid to those population groups whose needs are truly prioritised and urgent, and can generate significant undistributed surpluses and stocks in warehouses in other regions.

Our project is aimed at assessing, systematising and, most importantly, helping vulnerable populations to access humanitarian needs.

The purpose of our research is to identify the needs and demands of communities related to the challenges that have arisen as a result of the full-scale invasion of Russian Federation, in particular, the emergence of a large number of IDPs, which could increase the existing problems in the communities.

Therefore, our Foundation will assess the needs of the population in _6_ communities of the Synelnykivskyi district of the Dnipro region, which are located close to the front line.

By integrating and combining different data collection methods, we will be able to plan accurate and systematic measures to improve the situation of particularly vulnerable groups in the communities, respond promptly to identified problems, prepare evidence-based requests for charitable and humanitarian assistance, and have data on the needs of communities in the frontline regions.

We also plan to publish the results of our research on the website of our organization for the general information of all interested parties (local authorities, other public and charitable organisations, etc.)