About us

About the Organization

The Charitable Organization «Charitable Foundation «Nasha Sprava Ukraina» was founded in May 2022 with the mission to successfully carry out activities to provide charitable assistance to people who found themselves in difficult life situations, people affected by war and others, (including people with disabilities, large families, orphans, the elderly and more), as well as to promote the full and effective implementation of public, in particular social, economic, cultural, environmental, educational, human rights and other projects.

logo nasha sprava ukraine

The main directions of the Organization:

  • Searching for grant funding for the organization’s projects and initiatives to address the objectives of these organizations;
  • providing assistance to people who find themselves in difficult life situations, war victims and other people in need of outside support (including people with disabilities, large families, orphans, the elderly and others);
  • promoting the development of international partnerships, including the development of partnership agreements and representing interests at the international level;
  • development and implementation of our own initiatives, such as social, economic, cultural, educational, environmental, human rights, etc. projects and programmes;
  • improving the image of the Organization and our partners;
  • cooperation with state authorities and local self-government bodies on the principles and within the framework of Ukrainian legislation and international law;
  • attracting financial, material, intellectual and information resources necessary for the implementation of tasks.

Activities of the Organization:

  • assistance to people facing difficult life situations, war victims and other people in need of outside support (including people with disabilities, large families, orphans, the elderly and more);
  • meeting the humanitarian needs of the population;
  • cooperation with international charitable organizations in providing charitable assistance;
  • strengthening partnerships with international organizations.

Our mission:

Our organization strives to create a fair and supportive society where all people have equal opportunities and access to fundamental rights. We recognise and respect the dignity of every human being and strive to reduce inequality, poverty and suffering.

Our principles:

Independence and impartiality: We act independently of political, religious and economic interests, and our decisions are based entirely on the needs and interests of our target groups.

Humanity: We recognise and respect the equality and dignity of every human being, and our assistance is based on the principles of compassion, empathy and respect for human rights.

Neutrality: We do not take sides in political or military conflicts, and our assistance is provided to all those in need regardless of their political, ethnic or religious beliefs.

Safety and security: We prioritise the safety and security of our employees, beneficiaries and all those associated with our projects. We are committed to minimising risks and preventing any form of violence, exploitation and discrimination.

Cooperation and partnership: We actively engage with other organizations, governmental and non-governmental entities, communities and local residents to maximise the impact and sustainability of our projects.

Transparency and accountability: We report on our activities, financial resources and project performance to our donors, partners and the public in an honest and open manner. We adhere to high standards of ethics and business practices.

Gender policy is one of the fundamental pillars on which the organization’s activities are based. Assistance should be provided without discrimination on the basis of nationality, race, gender, religion, class or political views.

Past, present and future of the organization

  1. Establishment of the CO CF Nasha Sprava
  2. Memorandums with international and charitable foundations of Ukraine were signed.
  3. Establishment of the main office (HUB) in Dnipro.
  4. Receiving and distributing of the humanitarian aid.
  5. Arrangement of the humanitarian cargo delivery to the HUB.
  6. Organisation of delivery of medicines to medical institutions in the region.
  1. Work as a sub-partner of WFP UN started
  2. Organisation of distribution points in frontline areas
  3. Implementation of various humanitarian projects with international organizations
  4. Opening of a new HUB
  5. Applying for direct partnership with WFP UN
  6. Preparing to implement projects in partnership with WFP UN
  7. Signing memorandums with communities where assistance will be provided.
  1. The mission is clearly defined and understood by all members of the organization, Goals and Objectives are developed to guide the organization's activities. There is a strategic plan until 2026.
  2. The structure of the organization is defined, duties and responsibilities are delegated to the management, representatives and employees. All members and partners are committed to strengthening the financial viability of the organization. A team with clearly defined duties and responsibilities in each area:
    • administration and communications;
    • project activities;
    • PR, social marketing and fundraising.
  3. 2 projects are under implementation and 2 have been submitted to the expert panels of international donors.
  4. Signing of a partnership agreement with WFP for a year of partnership.
  5. A database of donors, sponsors, benefactors, and sponsors of at least 20 people.
  6. Assistance provision in Dnipropetrovska, Donetska and Zaporizka oblasts.
  1. The mission is clearly defined and understood by all members of the organization, Goals and Objectives are developed to guide the organization's activities. There is a strategic plan until 2026.
  2. The structure of the organization is defined, duties and responsibilities are delegated to the management, representatives and employees. All members and partners are committed to strengthening the financial viability of the organization. A team with clearly defined duties and responsibilities in each area:
    • administration and communications;
    • project activities;
    • PR, social marketing and fundraising.
  3. 2 projects are under implementation and 2 have been submitted to the expert panels of international donors.
  4. Signing of a partnership agreement with WFP for a year of partnership.
  5. A database of donors, sponsors, benefactors, and sponsors of at least 20 people.
  6. Assistance provision in Dnipropetrovska, Donetska and Zaporizka oblasts.
  1. The Association, in addition to its own office and warehouse space of 300 square metres, has representative offices in other regions of Ukraine, at least in the capital Kyiv and Lviv.
  2. The staff is already 50 people, who have workplaces equipped with all the necessary equipment.
  3. Owns 3 trucks and 2 minibuses to ensure the current activities of the Organization and staff mobility.
  4. Has its own unloading equipment for warehouse maintenance.
  5. The well-developed organisational structure of the Organization includes fundraising, PR and communication departments.
  6. The organization is a financially strong institution with its own endowment fund and branches in other regional centres.
  7. At least 5 projects have been implemented. At least 20 international partners. Constant project activity of the organization's managers.
  8. The organization is the most famous foundation in the Dnipro region, has a well-known brand easily recognisable both in Ukraine and abroad.
  9. Own educational and communication centre with at least 2 training courses in project management.
  10. The annual turnover of the Association is up to USD 750 thousand, the level of employees' salaries is from USD 1000.
  11. Every resident of the region knows where to turn for help.
  12. Continuation of direct partnership with WFP on cooperation and expansion of the regions of assistance.
  13. Providing assistance throughout the country.
  14. In the future, by 2027, the Organisation will become a donor itself

Our team

Петров Артем

Petrov Artem

Chairman of the
CO «Nasha Sprava Ukraina»

Колєснік Сергій​

Kolesnik Sergiy

Тимофєєв Ігор

Timofeev Igor

Мишуренко Петро

Myshurenko Petro

Безуглий Олександр

Bezuhlyi Oleksandr

Інаурі Георгій

Inauri George

Легецька Лариса

Lehetska Larysa

Петрова Кристина

Petrova Kristina

Добрик Людмила

Dobryk Liudmyla

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